09 mars 2009

And so much has happened

It's hard to even begin. I don't know what to say, or how to explain it. Words, its just not enough. Maybe pictures would say more. Maybe not even that, would have you understanding, whats going on in my life right now.

I dont see it as anything bad, as im unlucky, i see it as another experience. And i think, this experience could help me on different levels. I just need to put an stop line out there, so i know when im finished - done. 

I graduate in 85 days. In 85 days, im free. I get to do, whatever i want to do. I can move away, far away. I can get a full time job somewhere, i could study... I can move in with my boyfriend - living the life of an gangster in Copenhagen. 
That last one, is probably the worst one. But i also think, its the one that would make me happiest. 
But what do i know. Nothing, absolutely nothing. 

I'm not going to worry about the future, i'll leave that up to destiny - while im living my life to fullest. 

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