27 mars 2009

From happy- to totally depressed.

Where did i go wrong?

Im giving my all, im doing my best. I just feel like im getting nothing back. And i hate that feeling, i really do.
I am a giving person, which is a good thing. Whats not so good, is that i never ask for anything back in return. And in some cases, that means - i get nothing back in return. It sucks, especially, when its the person you love the most, who just seems to take but never give.
I might not ask, but that doesnt mean, im not human. I still need, some confirmation.

Tomorrow night, was supposed to be chilled out night, with popcorn, a movie and lots of love. But no, thats not the case anymore.
Instead, ill be sitting alone with my popcorn and my movie, without any love.

Two hours ago, i couldnt wait for tomrrow to come.
Now, i cant wait, for tomorrow to end.

Oh baby, i wish you thought a little bit more about us, and a little less of you.

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