30 december 2008

happy days and a happy new year from me to you <3

Maybe, finally, someone up there has seen me and thought - its her turn, to feel good, to be loved and to love back.

Its been a cold, but yet, so warm and nice day. Im steel freezing from the cold winter weather we're having, but inside, its like spring. A seed is growing to become a rose.

Tomorrow its New years eve, and its gonna be celebrated like never before. Ill be downtown Copenhagen, like ive always wished for. Ill be there, with the loves of my life and we're gonna rock it like no one has ever before. 
And fuck my born-bad-luck, tomorrow, im getting my new years kiss at 00.00. End of story. I dont care how many miles i have to run, how high up i have to fly, or how deep down i have to swim. Ill get it. I just hope, the right person will be standing there, next to me, because i only have 60 seconds to make it happen. 

Peace and love.
Tomorrow is the last day of the worst year, but its also the beginning of the best. 

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