02 januari 2009

One day later.

Another year has now past, and a new one has now started. For most of us, it means new-years promises (we'll never keep) and better ways of living (we'll never do). For once, i did not promise anything. This year will just be another path in my life, and im sure, it will take me to roads ive never seen before - already starting at 05.00 yesterday.

New years eve, the dream of the perfect night everyone is talking about. Ive never understood, until now. I guess, there is a happy ending after all. ANd the new years kiss? The one kiss, every girl wants but only a few gets. I was one of them, looks like my bad luck is about to do a u-turn.

"I want more. Its a desire, its an addiction, its what i live for. Just give me more. And i cant see a more perfect way to die, than from true love. Kill me."

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